Born 1895 in Syracuse, NY
Died 5/5/1967 in Syracuse, NY
May 5, 1967 Mrs. Shapero Dies in Hospital
Mrs. Sarah B. Shapero, 71, of 139 Alpine Drive, DeWitt, died yesterday morning at Community General Hospital after a short illness. Mrs. Shapero was a life resident of the Syracuse area. She was a member of Temple Adath Yeshurun, the Sisterhood and Board of Directions of the temple. Hadassah, Bnai Brith, the Auxiliary of the Jewish Home of Central New York, and the Daughters of Eve. Survived are a son, Ernest Shapero of Manlius; a daughter, Mrs. Harold I. Chati of Rochester; and five grandchildren. Services will be a 11 a.m. tomorrow at the Birnbaum Funeral Parlor, 1909 E. Fayette St., Rabbi Irwin I. Hyman and Cantor Harold Lerner officiating. Contributions may be made to the Heart Fund.