Born 1912
Died 12/19/1993 in Rochester, NY

WWIISyracuse Herald-Journal (NY) - Dec 20, 1993
Norman Kline of 98 Vicount Drive, Rochester, died Sunday at his home. Mr. Kline was a veteran of World War II. His first wife, Louise Lipsy Kline, died in 1987. Surviving are his wife, Ilene Klass Kline; a daughter, Linda Rishell of Columbia, Md.; a son, Fred of Gaithersburg, Md.; a sister, Florence Wiesberg of Rochester; one granddaughter; and several nieces and nephews. Services will be at 9:30 a.m. in the Benjamin Goldstein Chapel of Temple Brith Kodesh, 2131 Elmwood Ave., Rochester. Interment will be in Frumah Packard Cemetery, Syracuse.