Born 1897 in Lithuania
Died 3/31/1992 in Northbrook, IL
The Post-Standard (Syracuse, NY), April 1, 1992, Deceased Name: LILLIAN CHADWICK
Former Syracuse resident Lillian Chadwick, 94, died Tuesday in North Brook, Ill. A native of Syracuse, Mrs. Chadwick lived in Brighton Towers before moving to North Brook in 1982. Her husband, Bernard, died in 1953. While in Syracuse, Mrs. Chadwick was a member of Temple Beth El, the auxiliary of the Jewish Home of Central New York and Hadassah. She also was a volunteer with the American Red Cross. Surviving are a daughter, Nettie Weit of North Brook; four grandchildren; four great-grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews.
Services will be at 2 p.m. Thursday at Birnbaum Funeral Chapel. Burial will be in Frumah Packard Cemetery.