Samuel T Gingold
Born 3/10/1886 in Kobrin, Grodno, Russia RU
Died 10/28/1934 in Syracuse, NY

Syracuse Journal, Mon 29 Oct 1934
Funeral services for Samuel P. Gingold, 48, 110 Renwick Ave, who died in University Hospital Sunday after being a patient there for 10 weeks, took place at the home Monday. Rev. Moses J. Braude officiated. Burial was in Jamesville Gate cemetery. Mr. Gingold was a tailor to the employ of Max Lessen and a member of Leasing Lodge, I.O.O.F., the Y.M. and L.B.A., and Court Montifore, Foresters of America. Sam was born in Kobrin, Grodno, Russia. He came to the U.S. in 1907 and married Sarah Kaufman in 1909. They lived in Syracuse, where he had a tailor shop. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Sarah Kauffman Gingold; three daughters, Miss Ethel Gingold, Miss Jeanette Gingold and Mrs. B. Selinger; four sons, Solomon, Manuel, Edward and Charles Gingold; three sisters, Mrs. Edwin Stein of Birmingham, Alabama, Mrs. Henry Frankel and Mrs. Gussie Osofsky, and a brother, Israel Gingold. [Apparently the cemeteries on Jamesville Avenue were collectively called Jamesville Gate.]

Family links:
Sarah Kaufman Gingold (1886 - 1958)*

Florence Gingold Sellinger (1909 - 1994)*
Ethel Gingold Grauer (1911 - 1995)*
Solomon Gingold (1912 - 1994)*
Manuel Gingold (1915 - 2000)*
Jeanette Gingold Meltzer (1917 - 2011)*
Edward Gingold (1919 - 1999)*
Burial Location
Sarah (Kaufman) Gingold
Born 1887 in Rezina, Bessarabia
Died 10/20/1958 in Syracuse, NY
Israel Gingold
Born 1875 in Russia RU
Died 6/28/1950 in Syracuse, NY
Bessie (Weinstein) Gingold
Born 1875
Died 12/15/1965 in Syracuse, NY