Born 3/18/1888 in Russia RU
Died 10/22/1939 in Syracuse, NY

Three fishermen, one a Syracusan, were dead today as a result of a wind storm which swept Central New York yesterday, upsetting boats, Imperiling scores of fishermen. Nathan Agronin, 51, of 308 Oakwood Avenue, drowned when his rowboat overturned in Jamesville reservoir. Agronin, a native of Russia, had lived in Syracuse 35 years. He was a veteran of the World War. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Sadie Agronin, a daughter, Edith, 16, and three brothers, Samuel, Harrv and Joseph Agronin, all of Syracuse. Funeral services were to be conducted today at 2 P.M. at the funeral home of Birnbaum Brothers, with military service by Onondaga Post, Jewish War Veterans.
Burial was to be in Frumah Packard Cemetery
Oct 29 1939 Syracuse Herald