Born 1912
Died 12/10/1984 in Syracuse, NY

Max Heyman, 107 Alpine Dr., DeWitt, died Monday, December 10. Services were Wednesday in Syracuse, with burial in Frumah Packard Cemetery. Mr. Heyman had lived in the Syracuse area 40 years. He was a retired salesman. An Army Air Corps veteran of World War Two, Mr. Heyman worked with the public relations department of the corps and wrote a sports column under the name of "Duffy" Heyman. He was a member of Onondaga Post 131, Jewish War Veterans. Mr. Heyman was a member of the Jewish Community Centers Senior Adult Group. Surviving are his wife, Goldie Heyman; a son, Joseph Heyman of New York City; three daughters, Susan Garfinkel of Liverpool, Gail Levy of DeWitt and Adele Heyman of New York City; a brother, James Heyman of Tamarack, Fla., and four grandchildren.
Eagle Bulletin Dec. 19, 1984