Jacob Serlin
Born 1870
Died 12/13/1937

Funeral services for Jacob Serlin, 67, proprietor of the Peoples Grocery store In Eastwood for 30 years, who died suddenly Monday afternoon after suffering a heart attack at tho home of his daughter, Mrs. Harry G. Reed, 2417 E. Fayette St., were conducted at the rooms of Birnbaum Bros., at 2 p. m. today. Rabbi Benjamin Friedman officiated and burial was in Frumah Packard cemetery. Mr. Serlin conducted one of the first grocery stores in the village of Eastwood before that community became a part of Syracuse. He was a member of Temple Society of Concord. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Tobie Serlin; a son, Asher Serlin; two daughters, Mrs Reed and Mrs. Maurice Seligson of Passaic, N. J.; two brothers, Max Serlin of Syracuse and Sam Serlin of Binghamton; four sisters, Mrs. Rebecca Kaplan of Detroit, Mich., and Mrs. Jennie Herr, Mrs. Jacob Finklestein and Mrs Sarah Blumberg.

Dec 14 1937 Syracuse Herald
Burial Location
Toby Serlin
Born 1876 in Russia RU
Died 5/24/1961 in Syracuse, NY