Sonia "Sunny" B. (Brandt) Rosenbloom
Born 5/8/1926
Died 7/4/2003 in Boston, MA
Post-Standard (Syracuse, NY) July 6, 2003

Sonia Rosenbloom July 4, 2003
Sonia "Sunny" Rosenbloom , 77, former resident of Syracuse and Florida died in Boston, MA. Mrs. Rosenbloom was a former member of Temple Society of Concord and LaFayette Country Club. She was a graduate of Syracuse University. Her husband Herbert died in 1998. Survivors: Son, Alan (Joyce) and a daughter, Shelley (Robert) Seid; three grandchildren, Scott and Dana Rosenbloom and Max Seid. Funeral services will be 1 p.m. Sunday, at Birnbaum funeral chapel, 1909 E. Fayette St. Calling hour will be 12 to 1 Sunday, at the funeral chapel. Burial will be at Frumah Packard Cemetery.
Burial Location
Herbert Rosenbloom
Born 1920
Died 6/18/1998 in Boca Raton, FL
Albert Brandt
Born 1890
Died 10/14/1976
Marie Brandt
Born 1898
Died 4/21/1984 in Syracuse, NY