We rely on donations to continue to operate.  Our board members are volunteers.  Donations to this cemetery is needed and appreciated.

Donation checks should be drawn to “Frumah Packard Cemetery”.

Our mailing address is:

Frumah Packard Cemetery
1719 Burnet Ave
Syracuse, NY 13206

It is a “mitzvah” to respect and continue to honor our deceased family members to insure their final resting place will be forever protected and preserved.  A Tzedakah is a Charitable act in memory of the deceased.  We would like to thank the following families for donating funds that keep the cemetery going.


Engel Family — For the Engel Chapel, located on the cemetery grounds.

Ellie Freeman — for refurnishing the Engel Chapel.

Jacqueline Rubenstein and her sister Susan Johnston for donating 4 graves back to the cemetery.

Dr. Bruce Baumam
Yetta Biben
Ray & Marian Black
Marlene Blumin
Ira Dubnoff
Carl & Susan Eilenberg
Amy Eliezer
Robert Fink
Terri Gerber
Harlan Gingold
Jerry Happek
Sarah Isgar
Ann Kupferberg
Zelda LaForce
Jay M. Lurie
Jack Lyon
Norma Maddy
Arnold Manheim
Ruth Barme Merry
Joy Moss
Ava Raphael
Abby Kasowitz Scheer
Andrea Schein
Leatrice Shay
Alan and Janet Silvers
Louis & Melissa Supraski
Steven Volinsky
Edward and Selma Weinstein
Irme Weinstein

Contact us to make a donation to Frumah Packard Cemetery.